Chong Buck Tee


Born in 1950, Tapah, Perak, Malaysia.


1972  Malaysian Institute of Art (MIA)

Art Socieities
Member of Kuala Lumpur Shui-Mo Art Society

1972 – Best Award in Fine Arts, MIA.
2006 – One Hundred Best Chinese - Malaysian Artist as recommended by Shian's Art Gallery.

Chong Buck Tee graduated from the Malaysian Institute of Art in 1972. Presently he is the president of The Lingfeng Art Center. He is a member of the Selangor & Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Shui-Mo Art Society. Generations of artists have sought inspiration from nature and used nature as the object for their creative resources. Many artists regard observing nature as an important activity.

He remarks, “We grow up amidst Chinese culture and there is no need to pursue other ways of living. Every nationality has its own culture and creative arts which may influence one another to an extent but the core will remain unchanged!”

He also stresses that Chinese artform places importance on tone, beauty, calmness, simplicity and interesting content. An artist should enrich himself through reading literature, researching fine arts and gaining experience.  He should use the knowledge learned to guide him in his works in order to achieve higher standards.

Chong’s works lead viewers into a world of tranquillity, reflecting the personal needs of people. Such paintings are definitely not done by an angry or uncultured person. He says, “Spiritual pursuits are lost in the hustle and bustle of city life. Connections among human beings may be evident but those between man and nature have been neglected.”

Chong’s works allow us to see a clean Earth and smell its fragrance.








Home land -  ink colour on paper

Late spring - ink colour on paper

Paradise in spring -  ink colour on paper

Morning Mist - ink colour on paper

Blooming of the Golden Age - ink colour on paper

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